Initial file and folder creation

folder screenshot

Creating folders to store different file types:

folder screenshot

Creating head portion of html file named “index”, which will be the main file:

folder screenshot

Navigation bar creation, has dropdowns for sub-pages:

folder screenshot

Navbar appearance:

folder screenshot

Writing and picture for index.html (About me page):

folder screenshot

Base Index Web Page:

folder screenshot

Index page made, now formatting with css:

Css makes a pattern using an image, the main body is padded on both sides, allowing for it to “float” away from the edges. Bootstrap was used here to allow for the layout of the text and profile pic

folder screenshot

After many small modifications, index.html now looks like this:

folder screenshot

Now that the index.html has been created, a template for the remaining pages can be made, code is as such:

folder screenshot

Appearence of Template

Creation of flab.html content:

folder screenshot

Inserting information: Looks quite bad, need to modify

folder screenshot

Modifications to the layout

folder screenshot

Result, it is now much easier to read

folder screenshot

General test for smaller screens. Satisfactory:

How to upload local files and host them on GitHub

This project will use GitHub Desktop for ease of hosting

folder screenshot

Creating folders to store different file types:

folder screenshot

Clone repository:

Upload https of repository here to clone

folder screenshot

Or open repository and its files here on GitHub.

folder screenshot

Currrently, only one branch is needed for the project, the “main” branch. Changed files will also be reflected here in the “changes” tab.

folder screenshot

Layout of the website

Each file type will be kept in its own folder

folder screenshot

Opening in GitHub, host successful